
DescriptionState ProductsPg_DescriptionState_banner-logo

Distributed design campuses, complicated design and engineering processes, and different levels of review and change management often lead to inconsistent naming conventions for parts and items in your design engineering database. This in turn can lead to errors, missed opportunities for parts reuse, and excess costs.

Assure consistent and clear descriptions of parts and items in Agile PLM.


Contact Diane Sly today.


Avoid the Inconsistencies That Lead to Costly Errors

We developed DescriptionState to meet the critical need for consistent description conventions in the PLM system. DescriptionState builds an item’s description using attribute information contained on the item. A spreadsheet matrix storing the attributes to use and the associated value mappings is checked into Agile for easy maintenance, or the matrix may be stored outside of Agile for direct access in order to boost performance.


Saves time interpreting inconsistent naming conventions


Makes it easier to find items in the database by attribute values


Prevents and reduces user error and confusion


Assures consistency of part naming across the enterprise



  • Builds an item’s description using attribute information contained on the item. 

  • Attributes and associated value mappings are kept in an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Spreadsheet can be checked into Agile for easy maintenance.

  • Spreadsheet can be stored outside of Agile for direct access in order to boost performance.

  • Descriptions can be set up to be updated automatically or when DescriptionState is manually invoked

Part Numbering Webinar

What you'll learn:

  • Types of part numbering schemas
  • Makes it easier to find items in the database by attribute value
  • Prevents and reduces user errors and confusion